
PTs Fuel Healthy Movement With Nutrition

Physical therapy and nutrition are often seen as separate, but the truth is, they are deeplyintertwined. To get the most out of PT, especially after an injury or surgery, integrating both iscrucial. Here’s why: Food Fuels The BodyDuring recovery from an injury or surgery, your body is working to heal itself. The activities andexercises you’re […]

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How Does Physical Therapy Benefit Children With Autism?

What Is Autism? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a range of developmental conditions that affect how a person communicates, interacts, and behaves. ASD is called a spectrum disorder because the symptoms and severity can vary widely from one person to another. Typical signs and symptoms of autism include: • Having difficulty with communication […]

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How Physical Therapists Help Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of neurological disorders. It is caused by damage to the immature, developing brain, usually before birth. CP can have a broad range of effects. People with CP may have trouble seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, or communicating. Difficulties can range from mild to severe. CP also typically affects movement, muscle […]

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How Physical Therapy Helps People with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement, balance, posture, and coordination. It can also cause non-motor symptoms such as pain, fatigue, mood changes and cognitive impairment. While there is no cure for PD, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life of people living […]

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Movement is Medicine: Physical Therapy and Arthritis

May is National Arthritis Month. Arthritis may seem relatively benign – everyone knows someone who has arthritis. But here are some numbers that help put the problem of arthritis into perspective: • Arthritis is the leading cause of disability.• Arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults and 300,000 children• 1/3 of working-age people with arthritis have […]

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Physical Therapists Help Active People Live Better

Physical therapy has lots of benefits for active people. Athletes, performers, weekend warriors, and people who work in physically demanding jobs can all benefit from the expertise of a physical therapist. Here are 3 ways physical therapists help active people stay that way. Injury Treatment Active people get hurt. Physical therapists have the knowledge and […]

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Have You Scheduled Your 2023 PT Exam?

Haven’t thought about having an annual PT exam? We’re biased, but we think you should. You see your optometrist and dentist regularly because your eyes and teeth are important. You get an annual physical from your family physician. You might even be getting ready to see your accountant to get your yearly taxes done. But […]

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A Physical Therapy Holiday Survival Guide

Keeping up with physical therapy during the holidays is tough. There are so many other things to do – cooking, parties, shopping, travel, and visiting with family and friends. But if you’re in physical therapy over the holidays, there’s a reason. You’re having pain, or not moving as well as you want to. These issues […]

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Physical Therapy Is For Everyone!

Physical therapists are highly trained health care professionals. They are experts in human movement who are trained to evaluate and treat all kinds of musculoskeletal issues with exercise and other techniques. Everyone moves and everyone can benefit from exercise, so physical therapists can help people through their entire lives! Physical Therapy for Children Physical therapists […]

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Don’t Keep Injury Secrets!

Physical therapists are experts in dealing with injuries, but your PT can’t help if they don’t know about your injury! You might be wondering who would keep an injury secret. The answer is – lots of people! The first thing that comes to your mind might be an athlete, like a football player, or maybe […]

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