
Physical Therapy is a Tree With Many Branches

Starting a career in physical therapy is like climbing a tree. Everyone starts with the same trunk, but pretty quickly, you have to make some decisions about which way you’re going to go. What kind of people do you want to work with? Where do you want to practice? And how far up the tree […]

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Working in physical therapy has benefits that extend beyond the clinic

Stories about hiring difficulties are all over the news right and physical therapy clinics haven’t been left out. An aging population with more chronic diseases has been pushing up the need for physical therapy for years. The pandemic has accelerated the problem. Clinics aren’t only looking for PTs and PTAs either. Finding the right people […]

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Returning to Activity After a Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, activity levels dropped for a lot of people. Between stay at home orders, gym closures and working from home, people became more sedentary. On top of that, there were shortages of equipment like dumbbells and bicycles, making staying active at home difficult even if you wanted to. But this summer, things […]

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Physical Therapy Isn’t Just For Pain. It Can Keep You Healthy For Life.

You know that physical activity is good for you. The benefits are well researched and the list is impressive. Here’s just a sampling: ● Releases endorphins to make you feel good and fight depression● Helps control weight● Prevents diseases like stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer● Improves sleep● Helps you live longer Recent studies […]

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Want to Stay Healthy? Move More.

COVID has certainly made the importance of health very clear and we have all seen how quicklythings can change with an illness. While COVID is currently front and center in most people’sthoughts, it isn’t the only thing out there that can change your life. Heart disease, diabetes,strokes and cancer can all be devastating too. Movement […]

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Will COVID-19 Change the Typical PT Patient?

People usually see a physical therapist for pain or loss of function. Think of the person who hasback pain, the injured athlete or the person who’s had a stroke. They all want to improve howthey move and complete tasks. Now, there is good reason to wonder if physical therapists willstart seeing more people who are […]

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Insurers Are Moving From “Sick-care” to “Well-care”

TRICARE has decided to waive the cost-sharing requirement of up to three visits to a physicaltherapist for low back pain. They’ve said that the goal is to encourage more use of “high-value”treatments for low back pain. Understanding what they mean by “high-value” vs “low-value”treatment can help us see the direction healthcare payers are moving and […]

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TRICARE Thinks PT is so Valuable, They’re Covering the Whole Cost!

TRICARE, one of the nation’s largest insurers wants their members to get physical therapy forback pain. They think that treating back pain with PT is so important that they’re willing to waivethe cost to their members. That’s a huge deal. When’s the last time you remember an insurancecompany covering the entire cost of anything? Let’s […]

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Finally, Some Good News About Back Pain

Back pain is a huge problem in developed nations worldwide. It has or will affect most of us. Thecurrent estimate is that 80% of people will experience back pain at least once. It is the singlebiggest cause for disability, the third most common reason for doctor visits, and one of the mostcommon reasons for missing […]

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When the Weather Gets Cold, Don’t Forget to Warm Up

Colder weather means some changes to how we exercise. Of course it’s harder to motivateyourself to get outside for a run or bike ride when the temperature drops, and the shorter dayscompress our schedules, but there are changes in your body that affect your ability to exercisetoo. For many people with arthritis or other joint […]

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