80% of Americans Experience Back Pain, But 100% of PTs Know How to Prevent It

Got back pain? You’re not alone. Eighty percent of Americans suffer from low back and neck pain at some point in their lives. Let that sink in. With such great odds that you—or someone close to you—will one day become a statistic, wouldn’t it make sense to arm yourself with preventive strategies and knowledge? Physical therapy is a good place to start.
By performing a thorough evaluation, a physical therapist can identify the muscular, postural and skeletal limitations that could one day lead to an episode of back pain. As part of the assessment, she will observe as you perform a series of exercises and then gather an account of your daily activity level and environmental factors like operating machinery or working at a desk 40 hours a week.
The PT will then use all of this knowledge to design a personalized exercise program and teach you a few APT-approved strategies to prevent back pain:
Use good body positioning at work, home and during recreational activities.
Keep the load close to your body during lifting.
Ask for help before lifting heavy objects.
Maintain a regular physical fitness regimen— staying active can help to prevent injuries.

Lifestyle can play a big role in back pain. In fact, inactivity and incorrect body mechanics while participating in certain activities are two of the biggest contributors to back pain. In addition to the strategies listed above, it’s also helpful to pay attention to little things throughout your day. That could add up to bigger problems down the line. Let’s go back to that desk job for a minute: How often do you get up to walk, stretch and move throughout the day? A good rule of thumb is to stand up or move every 30 minutes. You may get bonus points with your boss, too, as your productivity soars due to the increased activity.
While low back pain rarely becomes serious or life-threatening, it can be quite painful and interfere with our daily lives. Working with a physical therapist can help patients identify the factors that might contribute to back pain and help to develop a prevention plan. But the healthcare professionals are also a great place to turn when you’re seeking treatment for back pain or hoping to prevent a recurrence.
With such good odds that you could one day become a low back pain statistic, why not do everything in your power today to change your trajectory? Seems like another good reason to find an activity (or better yet, two or three activities) that you enjoy, make it a regular part of your day and stick to it!

Patients Reap the Benefits of Playing a More Active Role in Physical Therapy

Patients can no longer be passive players in the game of health. Studies show that informed patients are not only more engaged during physical therapy but also reap the benefits in overall health and well-being.

Those who understand why they’ve been referred to physical therapy, are actively engaged in the process, and develop useful self-management skills are more likely to achieve lasting results. With a few pointers, building one’s health literacy doesn’t have to be an overwhelming prospect.

To get the most out of your rehabilitation, it’s important to keep an open line of communication with your physical therapist. Your physical therapist is a wealth of knowledge and is there to help you regain mobility and relieve pain. The interaction should be positive, informative, and collaborative. Here are a few questions to ask your physical therapist so you may understand the rehab approach and how it impacts your injury or illness:
Why have I lost function/why do I hurt?
Your physical therapist has been trained to determine why a particular injury causes a loss of mobility or interferes with your ability to complete a task. It’s helpful for patients to gather information and understand the body’s mechanics as it relates to an individual injury.
Did my lifestyle contribute to this issue?
Your physical therapist will gather information about your lifestyle in order to identify habits that might be contributing to the problem. Perhaps the patient needs to wear shoes with support and limit time in flip flops. Or maybe the patient is experiencing low back pain due to poor posture at work.
How will physical therapy help me?
Physical therapists work with patients to devise an individualized and concrete care plan. You should feel comfortable asking your physical therapist why a specific goal has been chosen, how it will help you, and what you personally need to do to succeed.
What can I do to make sure I get better?
Showing up for appointments is only half the battle. Being ready to participate and understanding what you should be doing in between appointments is critical. You should be prepared to carry over goals at home and make modifications to habits at home and work to change contributing behavior.

It’s important that you feel comfortable asking your physical therapist questions and continue to understand how you can contribute to your care plan. Advocating for your own care and maximizing educational opportunities will give you the confidence and tools to succeed in physical therapy and beyond.